Tuomo Manninen: We – Ramallah

Photographer Tuomo Manninen has photographed various communities in the Palestinian city of Ramallah: librarians, bus drivers, industrial guards and Mercedes-Benz merchants, children in refugee camps, and men at the border stations. The warm-hearted feel to these photographs of the Ramallah communities have given rise to strong opinions: “Where is the conflict?” “Where are the fighters?” Ramallah has been called alternately a five-star open prison and a terrorist capital. It may be either, or both, but it is also an ordinary city where the children go to school in the morning and the men gather at a local restaurant in the evening to play cards.
The We series is part of Manninen’s group photo project, which has taken him on a photographic journey to 13 countries over the last 20 years. The series featured at the Venice Biennale in 2001 and the Arles photography festival in 2008.
PVF 2016The Finnish Museum of Photography